
21 Nisan 2019

Automation Test Software Trends and Developments in the World of Automation

Automation Test Software Trends and Developments in the World of Automation

The importance of the very notion of test automation and automatization of software tests have been realized by the array of corporations and many development firms in Turkey. In this context, many Open Source volunteers have been starting test automation groups, organizing development meetings in Istanbul or via the internet to share information about automation and to further increase the awareness of automation.

In Turkey, the concept of test automation has been explained as GUI, which means face up test automation, and the interest in automation has moved to this path. Hence, when you visit meetups or firms you will most likely hear about the terms of: Selenium, Appium, Robot Framework, BDD Cucumber, Parallel Mobile Run, Mobile Lab. Additionally, when you join a Meetup, the instructions you will get mostly based on to run browser automation, via Selenium on the web.

For those who wish to further improve themselves on software test automation, which has become prominent by 2018, my advice will be to work on web service automation. For those who conduct research on web service automation and create a new framework layer from the scratch, the terms of Selenium, Appium, Android Parallel Run, Xpath Locator, Katalon, Record and Play will be obsolete. In this context, the following topics will require dedicated research:

• Executing SOAP/REST web service automation via JAVA or C#

• Virtualization of Service and its use on Test Automation; WireMock, MockServer, Mock Rest Service Server

• Creating test data via test automation

• MicroServices architecture and application of a test automation strategy fits with the architecture

• Database data control and its use on test automation

• Java Hibernate Database Connection and DML ORM Framework

• Developer’s unit tests and its synchronization with the tester’s test automation tests.

My previous article on Web Services SOAP and REST Examples will be informative for those who are interested in software test automation. By emulating the service examples in my article, you can create Framework with IntelliJ IDEA, if you are familiar with Java, or with Visual Studio, if you are competent with C#/.NET.

Burak AVCI & Serkan ÇİNAL